A law that would protect gays from discrimination in Idaho could finally have Republican support in the legislature next year, after a decade. A…
Friday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage reflects a remarkable shift in Americans' personal views, just in the last decade.In the Northwest,…
Northwest politicians reacted Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. Oregon Attorney General Ellen…
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this morning that same-sex couples have the constitutional right to marry in every state.Gay marriage is already legal in…
Idaho lawmakers unhappy with the legalization of gay marriage in the state are calling on Congress to do something about “activist judges.”The resolution…
A committee in the Idaho House Thursday rejected a gay rights measure known as the “Add the Words bill” on a 13-4 party line vote.During 21 hours of…
A panel in the Idaho House is expected to vote Thursday morning on a bill that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender…
Opponents of a gay rights measure in Idaho are highlighting what they call the “bathroom” problem.They say protections in the bill for transgender people…
Several hundred people packed an auditorium in the Idaho Capitol this morning for a hearing on a measure known as the Add the Words bill.It’s the first…
The U.S. Supreme Court Friday agreed to take up cases challenging gay marriage bans in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky.Idaho’s petition to…