There’s a surprise newcomer to the campaign for a higher minimum wage in Washington. It’s the state’s restaurant association.
Earlier this year, Washington House Democrats proposed a phased-in boost in the state minimum wage from the current $9.47 to $12 per hour. Among those testifying against the doomed proposal was the Washington Restaurant Association.
But the lobbying organization now says it supports a statewide minimum wage hike if it’s done in what they call “the right way.” The Association didn’t offer any details on what kind of proposal it might support. But it did recently back the successful campaign for a phased-in $12 per hour minimum wage in Tacoma.
In fact, the city-by-city approach is part of what’s motivating the restaurant association. It’s president said a statewide solution is needed, not a “checkerboard of wage laws.”
A spokesman for Governor Jay Inslee said the Democrat plans to push for a higher minimum wage again next legislative session.